Forever Living’s Clean 9 is essentially a cleanse, but most people I know have done it because of the rapid weight loss you can achieve in just nine days.
You’ll eat very little during the program, but this is supplemented with the signature aloe vera gel, shakes and tablets.
The first two days are the hardest, you won’t eat any solid food and the hunger can be really difficult, so make sure you keep yourself busy. But from day three, when you get an extra shake and 600 calorie meal, it gets much easier.
The kit is priced just under $100, but for that you get two bottles of Forever Aloe Vera Gel, shake mix, supplement tablets, a shaker, a tape measure and a booklet for recording your progress. It also includes menu ideas for meals of 600 calories and explains the ‘free foods’ element of the cleanse – a variety of fruit and vegetables which can be eaten in moderation.
To Kick Things Off On Day One
The aloe vera gel really doesn’t taste very nice, but you will get used to it. The Forever Fiber sachet – a diluted drink – won’t cure the hunger pangs. By lunchtime the vanilla shake tasted like the best thing in the world. An afternoon of nothing but the tablet supplements and I was really struggling. I chose a brisk walk for my 30 minutes of exercise and was shattered. Day two was much the same and I found I was quite lethargic.
Once the first two days were out of the way, the rest of the cleanse was much more manageable.
The morning shake really staved off the hunger pangs and by the time I got to my evening meal, I found that 600 calories seemed an awful lot after eating very little, and I could barely finish a whole portion without feeling full. I also upped my exercise doing longer walks and higher impact fitness.
By the end of the cleanse I had lost 12lbs and seven-and-a-half inches from my body. It’s the toughest cleanse/weight-loss challenge I have ever taken on, but the results are impressive. Just be careful that you don’t pile on the pounds as soon as you’ve finished.